Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Election of Officers and Delegates; Election Dates; State Primary Election. Amend RSA 653:8 to read as follows:
653:8 State Primary Election. The state primary election shall be held on the second Tuesday in September of every even-numbered year.
2 Voters and Checklists; Change of Registration; Gender Neutral. Amend RSA 654:34, IV to read as follows:
IV. No person, who is already registered to vote, whether his party membership has been previously registered or not, shall affiliate with a party or disaffiliate from a party between the first Wednesday in June and the day before the state primary election.
3 Elections; Nominations by Primary. Amend RSA 655:21 to read as follows:
655:21 Form. Primary petitions shall be made in the following form:
State of New Hampshire
County of ________ ss.
City (Town) of ________
I do hereby join in a petition for the printing on the primary ballot of the name of ____ whose domicile is in the city (town) of __ (ward, street, and number, if in a city), in the county of __, for the office of __ to be voted for on Tuesday, the _ day of September , (year), and certify that I am qualified to vote for a candidate for said office, that I am a registered member of the _ party, and am not at this time a signer of any other similar petition for any other candidate for the above office; that my domicile is in the city (town) of _ (ward, street, and number, if in a city), in the county of ____. I certify that to my knowledge the above-named candidate is not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that he or she is not a federal employee which makes him or her ineligible to file as a candidate for this office. I further certify that I believe the above-named person is especially qualified to fill said office.
I hereby swear, under the penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that the information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Print Voter's name
Voter's Signature
In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.
4 Voters and Checklists; Verification of Checklists. Amend RSA 654:38, III to read as follows:
III. Upon completion of verification of the checklist, but, in no event later than September 1 , the supervisors shall file with the secretary of state the following certificate: We, the supervisors of the checklist of the town (or ward _) of ___, do hereby certify that we have verified the checklist of registered voters in the town (or ward _ of the city) of _____ as directed by the ballot law commission.
5 Voters and Checklists; Verification Every 10 Years. Amend RSA 654:39, V to read as follows:
V. Upon completion of verification of the checklist, but in no event later than September 1 , the supervisors shall file with the secretary of state the following certificate: We, the supervisors of the checklist (or registrars of voters) of the town (or ward __) of __, do hereby certify that we have verified the checklist of registered voters in the town (or ward _ of the city) of _____, pursuant to the provisions of RSA 654:39.
6 Elections; Nomination by Primary; Examination and Rejection; Gender Neutral. Amend RSA 655:26 to read as follows:
655:26 Examination and Rejection. The officer with whom primary petitions are filed shall immediately upon receipt thereof examine the same and ascertain whether they conform to the law. If found not to conform thereto or to be conflicting as provided in RSA 655:23, he shall then endorse thereon the reason why such petition cannot be accepted and shall, within 24 hours, return the same to the candidate in whose behalf it was filed. In such case, the candidate may file supplementary petitions with the official, but not later than the third Wednesday in June.
7 Ballot Law Commission; Hearing Date. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 665:5, I to read as follows:
I. If necessary, the ballot law commission shall meet on the third Thursday of September in each general election year and the third Friday following the presidential primary election in order to hear and decide:
8 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Election of Officers and Delegates; Election Dates; State Primary Election. Amend RSA 653:8 to read as follows:
653:8 State Primary Election. The state primary election shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in August of every even-numbered year.
2 Voters and Checklists; Change of Registration; Gender Neutral. Amend RSA 654:34, IV to read as follows:
IV. No person, who is already registered to vote, whether his or her party membership has been previously registered or not, shall affiliate with a party or disaffiliate from a party between the first Wednesday in June and the day before the state primary election.
3 Elections; Nominations by Primary. Amend RSA 655:21 to read as follows:
655:21 Form. Primary petitions shall be made in the following form:
State of New Hampshire
County of ________ .
City (Town) of ________
I do hereby join in a petition for the printing on the primary ballot of the name of ____ whose domicile is in the city (town) of __ (ward, street, and number, if in a city), in the county of __, for the office of __ to be voted for on Tuesday, the _ day of August , (year), and certify that I am qualified to vote for a candidate for said office, that I am a registered member of the _ party, and am not at this time a signer of any other similar petition for any other candidate for the above office; that my domicile is in the city (town) of _ (ward, street, and number, if in a city), in the county of ____. I certify that to my knowledge the above-named candidate is not a candidate for incompatible offices as defined in RSA 655:10, and that he or she is not a federal employee which makes him or her ineligible to file as a candidate for this office. I further certify that I believe the above-named person is especially qualified to fill said office.
I hereby swear, under the penalties for voting fraud set forth below, that the information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Print Voter's name
Voter's Signature
In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.
4 Voters and Checklists; Verification of Checklists. Amend RSA 654:38, III to read as follows:
III. Upon completion of verification of the checklist, but, in no event later than August 1 , the supervisors shall file with the secretary of state the following certificate: We, the supervisors of the checklist of the town (or ward _) of ___, do hereby certify that we have verified the checklist of registered voters in the town (or ward _ of the city) of _____ as directed by the ballot law commission.
5 Voters and Checklists; Verification Every 10 Years. Amend RSA 654:39, V to read as follows:
V. Upon completion of verification of the checklist, but in no event later than August 1 , the supervisors shall file with the secretary of state the following certificate: We, the supervisors of the checklist (or registrars of voters) of the town (or ward __) of __, do hereby certify that we have verified the checklist of registered voters in the town (or ward _ of the city) of _____, pursuant to the provisions of RSA 654:39.
6 Elections; Nomination by Primary; Examination and Rejection; Gender Neutral. Amend RSA 655:26 to read as follows:
655:26 Examination and Rejection. The officer with whom primary petitions are filed shall immediately upon receipt thereof examine the same and ascertain whether they conform to the law. If found not to conform thereto or to be conflicting as provided in RSA 655:23, they shall then endorse thereon the reason why such petition cannot be accepted and shall, within 24 hours, return the same to the candidate in whose behalf it was filed. In such case, the candidate may file supplementary petitions with the official, but not later than the third Wednesday in June.
7 Ballot Law Commission; Hearing Date. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 665:5, I to read as follows:
I. If necessary, the ballot law commission shall meet on the first Thursday of September in each general election year and the third Friday following the presidential primary election in order to hear and decide:
8 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.