Amendment 2025-0196h to HB464 (2025)

(New Title) prohibiting certain candidates for political office from participating in counting ballots.

Revision: Feb. 13, 2025, 9:27 a.m.

Rep. de Vries, Rock. 29

Rep. H. Howard, Straf. 4

January 31, 2025





Amendment to HB 464


Amend the title of the bill by replacing it with the following:


AN ACT prohibiting certain candidates for political office from participating in counting ballots.


Amend RSA 658:31 as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


658:31 Counting Ballots. At or prior to the opening of the polls in each town or ward, the seal of the packages shall be publicly broken by the town or ward clerk; and the ballots shall be given to the ballot clerks and the ballots shall be examined and counted by the election officers in the presence of the clerk, the moderator, and at least one other legal voter. If the ballots are counted prior to the opening of the polls, the clerk shall post, in an appropriate place and prior to election day, notice of the time and place of the counting. With the exception of candidates standing for the office of moderator, assistant moderator, clerk, selectperson, inspector of election, and supervisor of the checklist, no person who appears on the ballot shall count ballots prior to the election.




This bill prohibits certain candidates for political office from participating in counting ballots.