HB478 (2025) Detail

Establishing a foster care oversight subcommittee within the oversight commission on children's services.










AN ACT establishing a foster care oversight subcommittee within the oversight commission on children's services.


SPONSORS: Rep. Petrigno, Hills. 43; Rep. DeSimone, Rock. 18; Rep. Gregg, Hills. 7; Rep. Grossman, Rock. 11; Rep. Levesque, Straf. 4; Rep. M. Pearson, Rock. 34; Rep. N. Murphy, Hills. 12; Sen. Altschiller, Dist 24; Sen. Long, Dist 20


COMMITTEE: Children and Family Law






This bill establishes a foster care oversight subcommittee within the oversight commission on children's services.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Five


AN ACT establishing a foster care oversight subcommittee within the oversight commission on children's services.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Subparagraph; Foster Care Oversight Subcommittee.  Amend RSA 21-V:10, III by inserting after subparagraph (e) the following new subparagraph:

(f)(1)  Create a foster care oversight subcommittee from the existing members of the commission to:

(A)  Provide oversight of foster care programs and services in its effort to support an effective, comprehensive, and coordinated system of services and programs for children, youth, and families;

(B)  Review with the office of the child advocate the efficacy of foster care programs and services, trends affecting program costs and participation, and alternative approaches to programmatic and administrative concerns; and

(C)  Identify best foster care practices on behalf of children and families, and recommend future legislation to the commission and the general court.

(2)  The chair of the commission shall appoint a chair of the subcommittee, who shall be a legislative member, and at least 4 other members from the commission, and shall determine the annual report's scope of findings and due date.

2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.


Date Body Type
Jan. 28, 2025 House Hearing
Jan. 28, 2025 House Exec Session
Jan. 28, 2025 House Floor Vote

Bill Text Revisions

HB478 Revision: 46331 Date: Jan. 13, 2025, 12:41 p.m.


Feb. 6, 2025: Ought to Pass: MA VV 02/06/2025 HJ 4

Jan. 29, 2025: Committee Report: Ought to Pass 01/28/2025 (Vote 15-0; CC) HC 10 P. 2

Jan. 29, 2025: Executive Session: 01/28/2025 01:00 pm LOB 206-208

Jan. 15, 2025: Public Hearing: 01/28/2025 01:00 pm LOB 206-208

Jan. 13, 2025: Introduced (in recess of) 01/09/2025 and referred to Children and Family Law HJ 3