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1 Forfeitures of Personal Property; Report. Amend RSA 617:12, I to read as follows:
I. The attorney general, no later than 120 days after the close of the fiscal year, shall post a report on the department of justice website detailing state forfeiture activity, for the preceding fiscal year, including the type, approximate value, and disposition of each property seized, and the amount of any proceeds received or expended at the state and local levels. The report shall provide a categorized accounting of all proceeds expended.
(p) Total value of property forfeited under state law including currency, proceeds from sale of non-currency property, and distributions received from the federal government, but excluding the value of contraband;
I-a. Data on seizures, forfeitures, and expenditures of forfeiture proceeds shall be provided by the law enforcement agency in disaggregated form to the attorney general.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Forfeitures of Personal Property; Report. Amend RSA 617:12, I to read as follows:
I. The attorney general, no later than 120 days after the close of the fiscal year, shall post a report on the department of justice website detailing state forfeiture activitythe type, approximate value, and disposition of each property seized, and the amount of any proceeds received or expended at the state and local levels. The report shall provide a categorized accounting of all proceeds expended. the following information:*
(a) Name of the law enforcement agency that seized the property or the name of the lead agency, if the property is seized by a multi-jurisdictional task force;
(b) Date of the seizure;
(c) Type of property seized, except that reporting is not required for seized contraband including alcohol, drug paraphernalia, and controlled substances;
(d) Place of seizure, such as a house, business, or, if a traffic stop, the location including road number and direction of traffic flow;
(e) Estimated value of the seizure;
(f) Criminal offense alleged that led to the seizure;
(g) Crime for which the suspect was charged either under state or federal law;
(h) Criminal case number and court in which the case was filed;
(i) The outcome of the suspect's criminal case such as no charge was filed, charges dropped, acquittal, plea agreement, jury conviction, or other;
(j) Whether forfeiture is sought under federal law;
(k) If forfeiture is sought under federal law, whether a joint state-federal task force made the seizure of property;
(l) If forfeiture is sought under federal law, whether a federal government agency adopted a seizure that a state or municipal agency made without the federal agency's involvement in the seizure;
(m) Forfeiture case number and court in which the case was filed;
(n) If a property owner filed a claim or counterclaim, and if so, who it was filled by, such as the suspect, innocent owner, creditor, or other owner;
(o) Estimated value of property returned to owner, sold, destroyed, retained by a law enforcement agency, or still pending disposition;
(p) Total value of property forfeited under state law including currency, proceeds from sale of non-currency property, and distributions received from the federal government, but excluding the value of contraband;
I-a. Data on seizures, forfeitures, and expenditures of forfeiture proceeds shall be provided by the law enforcement agency in disaggregated form to the attorney general.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.