HB518 (2025) Detail

Requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families.










AN ACT requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families.


SPONSORS: Rep. Layon, Rock. 13


COMMITTEE: Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs






This bill requires the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families, including all personnel costs, to the joint legislative fiscal committee, the director of the division for children, youth and families, and the oversight committee on health and human services.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Five


AN ACT requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1 New Paragraph; Annual Report of Costs Incurred. Amend RSA 126-A:4 by inserting after paragraph VII the following new paragraph:

VIII.(a)  The commissioner shall provide a detailed annual report that includes all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families and all sources of funding annually on September 1 to the joint legislative fiscal committee, the speaker of the house, the president of the senate, and all standing, statutory and special committees which have in their charging statements reference to the division of children, youth and families.  

(b)  The report shall include all positions that report to the associate commissioner whose duties include oversight of the division for children, youth and families and assigned responsibilities of the department under RSA 170-G for the division pursuant to RSA 126-A:9, I(a), and indicate:

(1)  Whether each position is specifically authorized by statutes or is authorized solely by the commissioner.

(2)  Whether each position is a part-time or full-time temporary or permanent position, and whether it is filled or vacant.

(3)  The job classification and pay schedule for each position, according to the division of personnel job classification plan.

(4)  Whether each position is authorized exclusively for the division for children, youth and families or is shared with another division or department, identifying the division or department if shared.

(5)  The specific federal contract that requires a position identified under this section, if any, and the federal funds provided for the position.

(c)  The commissioner shall provide quarterly updates to the reports provided under subparagraph (a) of any changes made pursuant to the commissioner’s authority to transfer or reassign any personnel or delegate, transfer or assign authority under RSA 126-A:3, I, RSA 170-G:3, or other statute.  

2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.




Revised 1/28/25





AN ACT requiring the commissioner of the department of health and human services to provide a detailed annual report of all costs incurred by the division for children, youth and families.



      The Department of Health and Human Services states this bill will have no fiscal impact.



Department of Health and Human Services



Action Dates

Date Body Type
March 18, 2025 House Hearing

Bill Text Revisions

HB518 Revision: 46372 Date: Jan. 28, 2025, 3:49 p.m.


March 6, 2025: Public Hearing: 03/18/2025 10:00 am LOB 206-208

Jan. 15, 2025: Vacated and Referred to Children and Family Law (Rep. W. MacDonald): MA VV (in recess of) 01/09/2025 HJ 3 P. 16

Jan. 14, 2025: Introduced (in recess of) 01/09/2025 and referred to Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HJ 3 P. 14