Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 New Paragraph; Birth Worksheet for Hospital or Institutional Birth; Opportunity to Limit Disclosure of Personal Information. Amend RSA 5-C:19 by inserting after paragraph XI the following new paragraph:
XII. The birth mother shall receive written notice that information from the birth worksheet is shared with the department of health and human services and other state agencies. The notice shall describe the purposes for which such information is shared and shall give the birth mother the opportunity to limit disclosure to the minimum amount necessary for vital records and public health. If the birth mother elects to limit disclosure of personal information from the birth worksheet, her election shall be recorded in the medical record at the hospital and all personal identifiers shall be redacted before the minimum amount of statistical information is shared with the department of health and human services.
2 Bureau of Health Statistics and Data Management and Vital Records Privacy Board for Health-Related Research. Amend RSA 126:24-cc to read as follows:
126:24-cc Memorandum of Understanding. The commissioner and secretary of state shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to address the role of each agency in maintaining the state's vital records system. The memorandum shall facilitate a working relationship between the 2 agencies in meeting their respective responsibilities under this chapter and RSA 5-C. The memorandum shall be reviewed annually and may be modified at the request of either agency.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 New Paragraph; Birth Worksheet for Hospital or Institutional Birth; Opportunity to Limit Disclosure of Personal Information. Amend RSA 5-C:19 by inserting after paragraph XI the following new paragraph:
XII. The birth mother shall receive written notice that information from the birth worksheet is shared with the department of health and human services and other state agencies. The notice shall describe the purposes for which such information is shared and shall give the birth mother the opportunity to limit disclosure to the minimum amount necessary for vital records and public health. If the birth mother elects to limit disclosure of personal information from the birth worksheet, her election shall be recorded in the medical record at the hospital and all personal identifiers shall be redacted before the minimum amount of statistical information is shared with the department of health and human services.
2 Bureau of Health Statistics and Data Management and Vital Records Privacy Board for Health-Related Research. Amend RSA 126:24-cc to read as follows:
126:24-cc Memorandum of Understanding. The commissioner and secretary of state shall enter into a memorandum of understanding to address the role of each agency in maintaining the state's vital records system. The memorandum shall facilitate a working relationship between the 2 agencies in meeting their respective responsibilities under this chapter and RSA 5-C. The memorandum shall be reviewed annually and may be modified at the request of either agency. On or before November 1, 2026, the agencies shall amend the memorandum of understanding to ensure that the minimum amount of personal information from birth worksheets is shared by the agencies and that the notice and consent requirements described inRSA 5-C:19, XII are implemented.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.