Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Vessel Registration and Numbering; Registration Fees. Amend RSA 270-E:5, II to read as follows:
II. In addition to the fees required by paragraph I there shall be
$5 collected for each registration processed by an authorized agent of the department who is not an employee of the department. The fees collected under this paragraph shall be collected and retained by the authorized agent as compensation for processing the registration.
2 Annual Registration Fee; Shoreline. Amend RSA 482:8-a to read as follows:
482:8-a Annual Registration Fee.
Annual registration fees for dams shall be payable to the department on January 1 of each calendar year. Yearly dam registration fees shall be based on classification as follows: Low hazard potential = $400; Significant hazard potential = $750; High hazard potential = $1,500. If the hazard classification designated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a dam differs from the classification designated by the department, the annual dam registration fees shall be based on the classification designated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission except that a dam which is classified as a non-menace dam by the department shall be exempt from the annual dam registration fee for as long as the dam is classified by the department as a non-menace dam. Revenues from this annual registration are to be collected by the department and deposited in the dam maintenance fund established in RSA 482:55 to be used for the inspection of dams.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Vessel Registration and Numbering; Registration Fees. Amend RSA 270-E:5, II to read as follows:
II. In addition to the fees required by paragraph I there shall be the following registration fees:
(a) $5 for each registration processed by an authorized agent of the department who is not an employee of the department. The fees collected under this subparagraph shall be collected and retained by the authorized agent as compensation for processing the registration.
(b) $5 for each registration specified in paragraph I. The fees collected under this subparagraph shall be paid into the dam maintenance fund established under RSA 482:55.
2 Annual Registration Fee; Shoreline. Amend RSA 482:8-a to read as follows:
482:8-a Annual Registration Fee.
I. Annual registration fees for dams shall be payable to the department on January 1 of each calendar year. Yearly dam registration fees shall be based on classification as follows: Low hazard potential = $400; Significant hazard potential = $750; High hazard potential = $1,500. If the hazard classification designated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a dam differs from the classification designated by the department, the annual dam registration fees shall be based on the classification designated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission except that a dam which is classified as a non-menace dam by the department shall be exempt from the annual dam registration fee for as long as the dam is classified by the department as a non-menace dam. Revenues from this annual registration are to be collected by the department and deposited in the dam maintenance fund established in RSA 482:55 to be used for the inspection of dams.
II. On April 1, the department shall annually assess a fee of $1.58 per foot of linear shoreline upon all taxable waterfronts maintained by a state-owned dam. The moneys collected from such fee shall be deposited in the dam maintenance fund established in RSA 482:55 to be used for the operation, maintenance, and repair of state-owned dams.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2025.