Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Accessible Voting Systems. Amend RSA 659:20-b to read as follows:
659:20-b Accessible Voting Systems.
I. Every city, every town, and every school district which has adopted an official ballot system shall:
(a) Ensure that each polling place has at least one accessible voting system.
(b) ?Enter into a pilot agreement with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems in local elections.
(c) Bear the cost of programming for the city, town, or school district election with the vendor chosen and contracted with by the secretary of state, including any transfer of the system to and from the vendor.
(d) ? Store and maintain the accessible voting system or systems in a secure manner following election security guidance issued by the secretary of state.
II. ?The secretary of state shall:
(a) ?Enter into a pilot program agreement with cities and towns and provide accessible voting systems for use in city, town, and school elections.
(b) ?Provide guidance for programming the local ballots onto the accessible voting systems.
(c) ?Provide security guidance for the local storage and maintenance of the accessible voting system or systems used for city, town, and school district elections.
2 Repeal. 2024, 123:4, relative to a pilot agreement providing accessible voting systems for use in elections, is repealed.
3 Appropriation; Secretary of State. There is hereby appropriated to the secretary of state the sum of $100,000 to be deposited into the election fund established in RSA 5:6-d for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 for the purpose of funding accessible voting systems pursuant to RSA 659:20-b. The secretary shall expend any available federal funds prior to the use of this sum for the purchase of tablets and other equipment necessary for compliance with this act. The governor is authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect June 30, 2025.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Accessible Voting Systems. Amend RSA 659:20-b to read as follows:
659:20-b Accessible Voting Systems.
I. Every city, every town, and every school district which has adopted an official ballot system shall:
(a) Ensure that each polling place has at least one accessible voting system.
(b) ?Enter into an agreement with the secretary of state for the use of accessible voting systems in local elections.
(c) Bear the cost of programming for the city, town, or school district election with the vendor chosen and contracted with by the secretary of state, including any transfer of the system to and from the vendor.
(d) ? Store and maintain the accessible voting system or systems in a secure manner following election security guidance issued by the secretary of state.
II. ?The secretary of state shall:
(a) ?Enter into an agreement with cities and towns and provide accessible voting systems for use in city, town, and school elections.
(b) ?Provide guidance for programming the local ballots onto the accessible voting systems.
(c) ?Provide security guidance for the local storage and maintenance of the accessible voting system or systems used for city, town, and school district elections.
2 Repeal. 2024, 123:4, relative to a pilot agreement providing accessible voting systems for use in elections, is repealed.
3 Appropriation; Secretary of State. There is hereby appropriated to the secretary of state the sum of $100,000 to be deposited into the election fund established in RSA 5:6-d for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 for the purpose of funding accessible voting systems pursuant to RSA 659:20-b. The secretary shall expend any available federal funds prior to the use of this sum for the purchase of tablets and other equipment necessary for compliance with this act. The governor is authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect June 30, 2025.