Amendment 2025-0392h to HB685 (2025)

Permitting in all residentially zoned areas by right the construction of manufactured housing.

Revision: Feb. 26, 2025, 10:33 a.m.

Rep. Alexander Jr., Hills. 29

February 12, 2025





Amendment to HB 685


Amend RSA 674:31-b as inserted by section 2 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


674:31-b  Permitting Manufactured Housing in Residential Zones.

I.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, manufactured housing shall be permitted as a matter of right in all land areas and lots in districts zoned to permit residential uses within every municipality in the state.

II.  Municipal zoning ordinances shall be amended to comply with this statute, ensuring that manufactured housing is treated as a permitted use in all residential zones.

III.  If a zoning ordinance contains no provisions pertaining to manufactured housing, it shall be deemed permitted as a matter of right, and no municipal permits or conditions shall be required other than a building permit, if necessary.

IV.  No municipality shall adopt or enforce any zoning ordinance, regulation, or policy that discriminates against manufactured housing by prohibiting or unreasonably restricting its placement in residential zones.

V.  All municipalities shall amend their zoning ordinances to comply with this statute within one year of its effective date.