HB751 (2025) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a repeal. This means the text being replaced is not available in the bill, and the unchanged text displayed is incomplete. The original text can be viewed by following the link to the RSA. Also, an accompanying re-enactment is not handled currently, and displayed in both unchanged and changed versions.
The Bill Text indicates a new section is being inserted. This situation is not handled right now, and the new text is displayed in both the changed and unchanged versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 Purpose and Findings.

I. New Hampshire has invested heavily to build a substance use treatment system capable of meeting the needs of individuals and families. Still, parts of the system remain largely unknown, and state health officers have no oversight or regulatory authority to ensure high quality services and protect patients within parts of the system.

II. New Hampshire requires licensure both for individuals clinicians and residential treatment facilities. However, there is no licensure or certification requirement or other regulatory standards for out-patient treatment organizations. In many cases, this leaves the state uncertain who is operating where, and what quality of services they provide. This leaves patients at risk of substandard service, abuse and misconduct, and undermines the effectiveness of New Hampshire's overall substance use treatment system.

2 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:1, IX-a to read as follows:

IX-a. "Client" means a person who voluntarily seeks substance abuse treatment as provided by the office of alcohol and drug abuse prevention through its agents or substance abuse treatment contractors.

3 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:1, XXIV to read as follows:

XXIV. "Certified substance abuse treatment facility" means a facility funded in part or in whole by the office of alcohol and drug abuse prevention, and certified under rules adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A.

4 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:2-a to read as follows:

172:2-a State Substance Use Disorder Services System Established.

The commissioner shall provide for the scientific care, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals with substance use disorders and their families, and work towards the prevention of, and assist in the control of, alcohol and drug misuse  within the state through education, treatment, community organization, and research.  The department shall establish, maintain, implement, and coordinate a system of substance use disorder treatment services under this chapter.  This system shall be supervised by the commissioner.  *With the exception of a youth drug treatment center required to be operated by a non-governmental entity at the Sununu youth services center, at the discretion of the commissioner,*  The department may directly operate and administer any program or facility which provides, or which may be established to provide, services to persons with substance use disorders or may enter into a contract with any individual, partnership, association, public or private, for profit or nonprofit, agency or corporation for the operation and administration of any such program or facility.

5 New Subparagraph; Dedicated Funds; Substance Use Treatment Certification Fund. Amend RSA 6:12, I(b) by inserting after subparagraph (399) the following new subparagraph:

(400) Moneys deposited in the substance use treatment certification fund under RSA 172:2-a.

6 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:2-c to read as follows:

172:2-c Community Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs.

Any city, county, town, or any individual, partnership, association, public or private, for profit or nonprofit, agency or corporation may establish and administer a community substance use disorder treatment program for the purpose of providing substance use disorder treatment services to individuals, families, and organizations in the area. Every program shall, at a minimum, provide substance use disorder screening and evaluation, case management, and outpatient counseling services. The department may contract with a community substance use disorder treatment program, pursuant to RSA 172:2-a, for the operation and administration of any services that are part of the state substance use disorder treatment system. In the event that the commissioner decides to enter into a contract for the operation and administration of any services which are part of the state substance use disorder treatment system, the contract shall contain standards designed to measure the performance of the contractor in achieving positive consumer outcomes, maintaining fiscal integrity, and providing quality services. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 172:8-b, to establish criteria for designating substance use disorder treatment programs under this chapter.

7 Department of Health and Human Services, Department Established; Office of the Ombudsman. Amend RSA 126-A:4, III to read as follows:

III. The department shall establish an office of the ombudsman to provide assistance to clients of the department by investigating and resolving complaints regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the department including services or assistance provided by the department or its contractors. The ombudsman's office may provide mediation or other means for informally resolving complaints. The records of the ombudsman's office shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed without the consent of the client on whose behalf the complaint is made, except as may be necessary to assist the service provider to resolve the complaint, or as required by law. Subject to available funding, the department shall designate within the office of the ombudsman a person as the behavioral health specialist dedicated solely to investigate and resolve complaints to promote the health, safety, welfare, or civil or human rights of any person receiving the treatment or services of a substance use or mental health treatment facility.

8 Repeal. The following are repealed:

I. RSA 172:1, XXV, relative to the definition of certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor.

II. RSA 171:2, XXIX, relative to the definition of designated drug counselor.

9 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 Purpose and Findings.

I. New Hampshire has invested heavily to build a substance use treatment system capable of meeting the needs of individuals and families. Still, parts of the system remain largely unknown, and state health officers have no oversight or regulatory authority to ensure high quality services and protect patients within parts of the system.

II. New Hampshire requires licensure both for individuals clinicians and residential treatment facilities. However, there is no licensure or certification requirement or other regulatory standards for out-patient treatment organizations. In many cases, this leaves the state uncertain who is operating where, and what quality of services they provide. This leaves patients at risk of substandard service, abuse and misconduct, and undermines the effectiveness of New Hampshire's overall substance use treatment system.

2 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:1, IX-a to read as follows:

IX-a. "Client" means a person who voluntarily seeks substance abuse treatment .

3 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:1, XXIV to read as follows:

XXIV. "Certified substance abuse treatment facility" means a facility certified or licensed by the department of health and human services under rules adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A.

4 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:2-a to read as follows:

172:2-a State Substance Use Disorder Services System Established.

I. The commissioner shall provide for the scientific care, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals with substance use disorders and their families, and work towards the prevention of, and assist in the control of, alcohol and drug misuse within the state through education, treatment, community organization, and research. The department shall establish, maintain, implement, and coordinate a system of substance use disorder treatment services under this chapter. This system shall be supervised by the commissioner. The department may directly operate and administer any program or facility which provides, or which may be established to provide, services to persons with substance use disorders or may enter into a contract with any individual, partnership, association, public or private, for profit or nonprofit, agency or corporation for the operation and administration of any such program or facility.

II. Subject to available funding, the commissioner shall establish, pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 541-A, a certification process for substance use treatment programs and facilities operating in the state of New Hampshire. Programs and facilities required

to be certified shall include those providing one or more outpatient services, including medically managed outpatient, intensive outpatient, high-intensity outpatient, partial hospitalization, and medically managed intensive outpatient. Nonclinical recovery support services, including but not limited to individual and group recovery coaching and 12-Step Programs, independent practitioners, facilities licensed under RSA 151, the programs and facilities in the system of mental health services established by RSA 135-C:3, and other providers identified by the commissioner, shall be exempt from certification.

III. The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A, relative to:

(a) Certification procedures, requirements, and exemptions for substance use treatment programs and facilities.

(b) Certification and renewal fees.

(c) The scope and content of training requirements for substance use treatment programs and providers.

(d) The scope and content of education materials for providers and clients to understand complaint procedures.

(e) Public access to findings of investigatory and monitoring reports, and final decisions made relative to certification.

IV. All fees received from certification under this section shall be kept in a nonlapsing fund known as the substance use treatment certification fund, which shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds. The fund shall be continually appropriated to the department of health and human services to fund to the certification process for substance use treatment programs and facilities operating in the state of New Hampshire. The commissioner may accept gifts, grants, donations, or other funding from any source and shall deposit all such revenue received into the fund. The state treasurer shall invest the moneys deposited in the fund as provided by law. Interest earned on moneys deposited in the fund shall be deposited into the fund.

V. The department shall maintain and regularly update on its website a publicly available listing of all programs and facilities certified under this chapter.

5 New Subparagraph; Dedicated Funds; Substance Use Treatment Certification Fund. Amend RSA 6:12, I(b) by inserting after subparagraph (399) the following new subparagraph:

(400) Moneys deposited in the substance use treatment certification fund under RSA 172:2-a.

6 New Hampshire Substance Use Disorder Services System. Amend RSA 172:2-c to read as follows:

172:2-c Community Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs.

I. Any city, county, town, or any individual, partnership, association, public or private, for profit or nonprofit, agency or corporation may establish and administer a community substance use disorder treatment program for the purpose of providing substance use disorder treatment services to individuals, families, and organizations in the area. Every program shall, at a minimum, provide substance use disorder screening and evaluation, case management, and outpatient counseling services. The department may contract with a community substance use disorder treatment program, pursuant to RSA 172:2-a, for the operation and administration of any services that are part of the state substance use disorder treatment system. In the event that the commissioner decides to enter into a contract for the operation and administration of any services which are part of the state substance use disorder treatment system, the contract shall contain standards designed to measure the performance of the contractor in achieving positive consumer outcomes, maintaining fiscal integrity, and providing quality services. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 172:8-b, to establish criteria for designating substance use disorder treatment programs under this chapter.

II. No person may establish, maintain, operate, or conduct any program or facility for substance use treatment without any certification required by the department under RSA 172:2-a.

III. Every facility or program certified under RSA 172:2-a shall pay a certification fee to the commissioner for deposit in the fund established under RSA 172:2-a.

7 Department of Health and Human Services, Department Established; Office of the Ombudsman. Amend RSA 126-A:4, III to read as follows:

III. The department shall establish an office of the ombudsman to provide assistance to clients of the department by investigating and resolving complaints regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the department including services or assistance provided by the department or its contractors. The ombudsman's office may provide mediation or other means for informally resolving complaints. The records of the ombudsman's office shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed without the consent of the client on whose behalf the complaint is made, except as may be necessary to assist the service provider to resolve the complaint, or as required by law. Subject to available funding, the department shall designate within the office of the ombudsman a person as the behavioral health specialist dedicated solely to investigate and resolve complaints to promote the health, safety, welfare, or civil or human rights of any person receiving the treatment or services of a substance use or mental health treatment facility.

8 Repeal. The following are repealed:

I. RSA 172:1, XXV, relative to the definition of certified alcohol and drug abuse counselor.

II. RSA 171:2, XXIX, relative to the definition of designated drug counselor.

9 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.