Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Prohibition on Teaching Discrimination. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 193:40, I to read as follows:
I. No pupil in any public school in this state shall be taught, instructed, inculcated or compelled to express belief in, or support for, any one or more of the following:
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Prohibition on Teaching Discrimination. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 193:40, I to read as follows:
I. No pupil in any public school in this state shall be intentionally or knowingly taught, instructed, inculcated or compelled to express belief in, or support for, any one or more of the following:
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.