Amendment 2025-0542s to SB112 (2025)

Relative to purchased power agreements for electric distribution utilities.

Revision: Feb. 20, 2025, 3:50 p.m.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources

February 20, 2025





Amendment to SB 112-FN


Amend the bill by replacing all after section 1 with the following:


2  Proposals for Multi-Year Agreements; Addition of Department of Energy.  Amend the introductory language of RSA 374-F:11, I to read as follows:

I. Investor-owned electric distribution utilities and the department of energy may elect to develop and[, no later than June 30, 2025,] issue a request for proposals for multi-year agreements for energy, in conjunction with or independent of any attendant environmental attributes from electric energy sources.

3  Purchased Power Agreements.  Amend RSA 374-F:11, I(g) to read as follows:

(g) All megawatt hours procured through agreements made pursuant to this section shall come from existing, new, or incremental electric energy sources.

4  New Subparagraph; Purchased Power Agreements.  Amend RSA 374-F:11, I(h) by inserting after subparagraph (2) the following new subparagraph:

(3) "Existing electric energy sources" means all sources that currently provide energy to the ISO-NE regional markets, including nuclear power generation facilities located in the ISO-NE control area that commenced commercial operation before January 1, 2011.

5  Purchased Power Agreements.  Amend the introductory language of RSA 374-F:11, II through II(a) to read as follows:

II. Any investor-owned electric distribution utility electing to enter into an agreement pursuant to this section shall petition the public utilities commission for authorization to enter the agreement [no later than June 30, 2026].

(a) Upon the petition of one or more electric distribution utilities, and after notice and hearing, the public utilities commission may authorize such utility or utilities to enter into multi-year agreements with existing, new, or incremental electric energy sources up to a total of 2 million megawatt hours statewide, on an annual basis, if it finds such agreements to be just and reasonable and in the public interest.

6  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.