SB163 (2025) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a repeal. This means the text being replaced is not available in the bill, and the unchanged text displayed is incomplete. The original text can be viewed by following the link to the RSA. Also, an accompanying re-enactment is not handled currently, and displayed in both unchanged and changed versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 Temporary Moratoria and Limitations on Building Permits and the Approval of Subdivisions and Site Plans RSA 674:23 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

674:23 Prohibition on Local Moratoriums and Permit Limitations.

I. Municipalities shall not adopt any ordinance, regulation, or policy establishing a moratorium or limitation on the issuance of building permits or the granting of subdivision or site plan approval, regardless of term or circumstance.

II. No ordinance, regulation, or policy may be enacted or enforced that delays or restricts the issuance of building permits or the approval of subdivisions and site plans due to growth management concerns, municipal service capacity, or any other reason. Growth management needs shall be addressed solely through the adoption of zoning ordinances, master plans, or capital improvement programs in accordance with RSA 674:22.

III. The authority previously granted under this section to establish temporary moratoria or limitations is hereby repealed. Municipalities are prohibited from utilizing exceptions or conditional provisions to justify such actions.

IV. Any existing moratoria or limitations currently in effect shall be null and void as of the effective date of this section.

2 Innovative Land Use Controls. Amend RSA 674:21, IV(b) to read as follows:

(b) "Phased development" means a development, usually for large-scale projects, in which construction of public or private improvements proceeds in stages on a schedule over a period of years established in the subdivision or site plan approved by the planning board. In a phased development, the issuance of building permits in each phase is solely dependent on the completion of the prior phase and satisfaction of other conditions on the schedule approved by the planning board. Phased development does not include a general limit on the issuance of building permits or the granting of subdivision or site plan approval in the municipality, which may be accomplished only by a growth management ordinance under RSA 674:22 or a temporary moratorium or limitation under RSA 674:23.

3 Power to Regulate Subdivisions. Amend RSA 674:35, III to read as follows:

III. The planning board shall not limit the number of building permits that may be issued except in accordance with an innovative land use control ordinance addressing timing incentives and phased development under RSA 674:21 and adopted under RSA 674:16; or an ordinance to regulate and control the timing of development, adopted under RSA 674:22; or an ordinance establishing a temporary moratorium or limitation on the issuance of building permits, adopted under RSA 674:23. This paragraph shall not be construed to limit the planning board's authority to deny a subdivision application on the basis that it is scattered or premature.

4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 Temporary Moratoria and Limitations on Building Permits and the Approval of Subdivisions and Site Plans RSA 674:23 is repealed and reenacted to read as follows:

674:23 Prohibition on Local Moratoriums and Permit Limitations.

I. Municipalities shall not adopt any ordinance, regulation, or policy establishing a moratorium or limitation on the issuance of building permits or the granting of subdivision or site plan approval, regardless of term or circumstance.

II. No ordinance, regulation, or policy may be enacted or enforced that delays or restricts the issuance of building permits or the approval of subdivisions and site plans due to growth management concerns, municipal service capacity, or any other reason. Growth management needs shall be addressed solely through the adoption of zoning ordinances, master plans, or capital improvement programs in accordance with RSA 674:22.

III. The authority previously granted under this section to establish temporary moratoria or limitations is hereby repealed. Municipalities are prohibited from utilizing exceptions or conditional provisions to justify such actions.

IV. Any existing moratoria or limitations currently in effect shall be null and void as of the effective date of this section.

2 Innovative Land Use Controls. Amend RSA 674:21, IV(b) to read as follows:

(b) "Phased development" means a development, usually for large-scale projects, in which construction of public or private improvements proceeds in stages on a schedule over a period of years established in the subdivision or site plan approved by the planning board. In a phased development, the issuance of building permits in each phase is solely dependent on the completion of the prior phase and satisfaction of other conditions on the schedule approved by the planning board. Phased development does not include a general limit on the issuance of building permits or the granting of subdivision or site plan approval in the municipality, which may be accomplished only by a growth management ordinance under RSA 674:22.

3 Power to Regulate Subdivisions. Amend RSA 674:35, III to read as follows:

III. The planning board shall not limit the number of building permits that may be issued except in accordance with an innovative land use control ordinance addressing timing incentives and phased development under RSA 674:21 and adopted under RSA 674:16; or an ordinance to regulate and control the timing of development, adopted under RSA 674:22. This paragraph shall not be construed to limit the planning board's authority to deny a subdivision application on the basis that it is scattered or premature.

4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.