Amendment 2025-0521s to SB217 (2025)

Relative to public notice of historic tax rates and tax impacts of proposed projects.

Revision: Feb. 20, 2025, 9:42 a.m.

Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs

February 20, 2025





Amendment to SB 217


Amend RSA 31:103-c, II as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following:


II.  Cities and towns shall post on the front page of their official websites, and official social media pages utilized by the city or town, a summary of all proposed taxpayer-funded building projects, including new buildings, schools, parks, and libraries.  The summary shall include statements of the average tax impact on a resident that will result from each proposed project.  Tax impact statements shall be worded as follows:

"If the following _____ project passes, this will result in an average estimated tax impact of $X.XX per one thousand dollars of equalized valuation."