Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 New Section; Electronic Registration Information Center. Amend RSA 654 by inserting after section 15 the following new section:
654:15-a Electronic Registration Information Center.
I. The secretary of state shall enter into a membership agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center to share voter information or data from the statewide centralized voter registration database along with relevant voter information or data from the department of motor vehicles, other state agencies, the secretary of state, and political subdivisions as necessary for the purpose of comparing duplicate voter information with other states or groups of states. Such agreement shall be effective no later than January 31, 2026, and the secretary of state shall ensure that New Hampshire remains in good standing with the Electronic Registration Information Center.
II. The secretary of state shall ensure that any information or data shared between agencies is protected by security processes and protocols and that any information or data that is of a confidential nature remains confidential.
III. The secretary of state shall, consistent with membership requirements, receive Electronic Registration Information Center reports for the purposes of comparing duplicate voter information and refer credible cases of duplicative voting records consistent with suspected illegal voting to the attorney general for appropriate investigation.
IV. The secretary of state shall, consistent with membership requirements, receive Electronic Registration Information Center reports for the purposes of improving the accuracy of voter registration data, for which data provides evidence of eligible or potentially eligible citizens who are not registered to vote and initiate contact of each eligible or potentially eligible citizen and supply information on how to register to vote.
V. Funding for the implementation of this section shall be provided by any federal funds made available to the state for the purposes of election related expenses, including but not limited to grants received pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 New Section; Electronic Registration Information Center. Amend RSA 654 by inserting after section 15 the following new section:
654:15-a Electronic Registration Information Center.
I. The secretary of state shall enter into a membership agreement with the Electronic Registration Information Center to share voter information or data from the statewide centralized voter registration database along with relevant voter information or data from the department of motor vehicles, other state agencies, the secretary of state, and political subdivisions as necessary for the purpose of comparing duplicate voter information with other states or groups of states. Such agreement shall be effective no later than January 31, 2026, and the secretary of state shall ensure that New Hampshire remains in good standing with the Electronic Registration Information Center.
II. The secretary of state shall ensure that any information or data shared between agencies is protected by security processes and protocols and that any information or data that is of a confidential nature remains confidential.
III. The secretary of state shall, consistent with membership requirements, receive Electronic Registration Information Center reports for the purposes of comparing duplicate voter information and refer credible cases of duplicative voting records consistent with suspected illegal voting to the attorney general for appropriate investigation.
IV. The secretary of state shall, consistent with membership requirements, receive Electronic Registration Information Center reports for the purposes of improving the accuracy of voter registration data, for which data provides evidence of eligible or potentially eligible citizens who are not registered to vote and initiate contact of each eligible or potentially eligible citizen and supply information on how to register to vote.
V. Funding for the implementation of this section shall be provided by any federal funds made available to the state for the purposes of election related expenses, including but not limited to grants received pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.