Text to be removed highlighted in red.
1 Youth Operator License; Suspension or Revocation. Amend RSA 263:14, III(b) to read as follows:
(b) The periods of suspension or revocation set forth in subparagraph III(a) of this section shall be as follows:
(1) For a first offense 20 days.
(2) For a second offense 45 days .
(3) For a third or subsequent offense 90 days
2 License Reissuance. Amend RSA 263:14, V to read as follows:
V. In addition to the other requirements of this section, the holder of a youth operator's license who is convicted of an offense under RSA 265-Ashall not be eligible for reissuance of a license *prior to the age of 21 unless the person satisfies the director after an administrative hearing that the person will drive in a safe manner if the license is issuedThe director may place such restrictions on any license so issued as the director deems in the best interest of public safety.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026.
Text to be added highlighted in green.
1 Youth Operator License; Suspension or Revocation. Amend RSA 263:14, III(b) to read as follows:
(b) The periods of suspension or revocation set forth in subparagraph III(a) of this section shall be as follows:
(1) For a first offense , a minimum of 20 days , but not more than 40 days .
(2) For a second offense , a minimum of 45 days , but not more than 90 days .
(3) For a third or subsequent offense , a minimum of 90 days , **but not more than 180 days. A condition of license reinstatement for a person convicted of a third or subsequent offense is the successful completion of an approved in-person driver program in accordance with Saf-C 212.08, regardless of the speeds traveled for each offense. **
2 License Reissuance. Amend RSA 263:14, V to read as follows:
V. In addition to the other requirements of this section, the holder of a youth operator's license who is convicted of an offense under RSA 265-A , 265:79, or convicted of a violation ofRSA 265:60 in excess of 30 miles per hour above the posted speed limit, shall not be eligible for reissuance of a license prior to the age of 21 unless the person satisfies the director after an administrative hearing that the person will drive in a safe manner if the license is issued for a minimum of 90 days, consecutive to any court-imposed license suspension, and until the person has completed an approved in-person driver attitude program in accordance with Saf-C 212.08. Should the license holder complete the program during the period of suspension, up to 60 days of the suspension may be stayed until they turn 21, so long as they have no further motor vehicle moving violations. As an additional requirement for reinstatement, the director may require the license holder to attend an additional hearing and demonstrate to the director's satisfaction that they will operate a motor vehicle in a safe and lawful manner. The director may place such restrictions on any license so issued as the director deems in the best interest of public safety.
** VI. Any law enforcement agency that makes an arrest or issues a summons for a youth operator violation of RSA 265-A, RSA 265:79, or RSA 265:60 in excess of 30 miles per hour above the posted speed limit, shall submit a DSMV 384 request for administrative action to the director within 10 days of the violation.**
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2026.