SB288 (2025) Compare Changes

The Bill Text indicates a new section is being inserted. This situation is not handled right now, and the new text is displayed in both the changed and unchanged versions.

Unchanged Version

Text to be removed highlighted in red.

1 New Section; Department of Health and Human Services; Advisory Council on Long-Term Care. Amend RSA 126-A by inserting after section 18-b the following new section:

126-A:18-c Advisory Council on Long-Term Care.

I. There is established an advisory council on long-term care in New Hampshire consisting of voting and nonvoting members listed in paragraphs II and III.

II. The advisory council shall consist of the following voting members:

(a) One member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

(b) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.

(c) The president of the New Hampshire Healthcare Association, or the president's designee.

(d) A representative of the New Hampshire Association of Counties, appointed by the association.

(e) The president of the New Hampshire Hospital Association, or the president's designee.

(f) The president of the Home Care Association, or the president's designee.

(g) The chief executive officer of the Office of Public Guardian, or the chief executive officer's designee.

(h) A representative of the New Hampshire Association of Residential Care Homes, appointed by the association.

(i) One member of New Futures Healthy Aging, appointed by that organization.

(j) One member of the Commission on Aging, appointed by the commission.

(k) Two members who are either an older or disabled adult or a caregiver with relevant experience, appointed by the governor.

III. The advisory council shall consist of the following nonvoting members:

(a) Up to 5 representatives from the department of health and human services, one of whom shall be the director of the division of long-term supports and services, appointed by the commissioner of the department of health and human services.

(b) Any number of additional nonvoting members appointed by a majority vote of the voting members. The purpose of this provision is to permit the council to seek out and recognize persons with expertise and experience in the field of long-term care who may make significant contributions to the work of the council in specific policy areas.

IV.(a) The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and may meet more often at the call of the chairperson, or at the request of a majority of voting members directed to the chairperson. The advisory council may, by majority vote, adopt additional bylaws deemed necessary by the council.

(b) The director of the division of long-term supports and services shall serve as the permanent co-chairperson of the advisory council, and the voting members of the council shall annually, at its meeting in the first quarter of the year, elect one other voting member to serve as a co-chairperson for a one-year term, or until a successor is elected.

(c) No member shall receive any compensation for serving on the council; however, the legislative members shall receive legislative mileage when in performance of their duties.

V. The duties of the council shall include, reviewing and making recommendations regarding all aspects of the implementation of the system of care for healthy aging established under RSA 151-E:22-27. Such duties shall also include the availability of long term supports and services for individuals requiring hospital or nursing facility discharge, including but not be limited to:

(a) Reviewing and making recommendations that improve and shorten the timeline for accessing Medicaid long-term care benefits and remove barriers to hospital discharge for non-acute patients who require post hospital long-term supports and services.

(b) Gathering data on licensed long-term care beds in service versus licensed long-term care beds not in service and making recommendations for optimal utilization of limited long-term care bed licenses to increase access to long-term care. Licensed long-term care beds shall include beds at nursing, mid-level care, and residential care facilities as defined under RSA 151-E:2.

(c) Gathering data on access to Medicaid choices for independence waiver services post hospital discharge and making recommendations for optimal program utilization.

(d) Oversight of a presumptive eligibility revolving fund.

(e) Providing advice and guidance to the department of health and human services on ways to strengthen the direct care workforce to meet the growing demand for long-term services and supports in New Hampshire.

(f) Advising the commissioner of health and human services on any issue related to long-term services and supports availability for individuals requiring post hospital or nursing facility care services.

VI. The duties of the department of health and human services shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) Informing the advisory council, in a timely manner, of all activities related to the implementation of the system of care for healthy aging, any proposed legislation, and any proposed changes to administrative rules relating to access to long-term care.

(b) Including in each annual report required under RSA 151-E:27 data on licensed long-term care bed availability and use and the financial status of the presumptive eligibility revolving fund.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Changed Version

Text to be added highlighted in green.

1 New Section; Department of Health and Human Services; Advisory Council on Long-Term Care. Amend RSA 126-A by inserting after section 18-b the following new section:

126-A:18-c Advisory Council on Long-Term Care.

I. There is established an advisory council on long-term care in New Hampshire consisting of voting and nonvoting members listed in paragraphs II and III.

II. The advisory council shall consist of the following voting members:

(a) One member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives.

(b) One member of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate.

(c) The president of the New Hampshire Healthcare Association, or the president's designee.

(d) A representative of the New Hampshire Association of Counties, appointed by the association.

(e) The president of the New Hampshire Hospital Association, or the president's designee.

(f) The president of the Home Care Association, or the president's designee.

(g) The chief executive officer of the Office of Public Guardian, or the chief executive officer's designee.

(h) A representative of the New Hampshire Association of Residential Care Homes, appointed by the association.

(i) One member of New Futures Healthy Aging, appointed by that organization.

(j) One member of the Commission on Aging, appointed by the commission.

(k) Two members who are either an older or disabled adult or a caregiver with relevant experience, appointed by the governor.

III. The advisory council shall consist of the following nonvoting members:

(a) Up to 5 representatives from the department of health and human services, one of whom shall be the director of the division of long-term supports and services, appointed by the commissioner of the department of health and human services.

(b) Any number of additional nonvoting members appointed by a majority vote of the voting members. The purpose of this provision is to permit the council to seek out and recognize persons with expertise and experience in the field of long-term care who may make significant contributions to the work of the council in specific policy areas.

IV.(a) The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and may meet more often at the call of the chairperson, or at the request of a majority of voting members directed to the chairperson. The advisory council may, by majority vote, adopt additional bylaws deemed necessary by the council.

(b) The director of the division of long-term supports and services shall serve as the permanent co-chairperson of the advisory council, and the voting members of the council shall annually, at its meeting in the first quarter of the year, elect one other voting member to serve as a co-chairperson for a one-year term, or until a successor is elected.

(c) No member shall receive any compensation for serving on the council; however, the legislative members shall receive legislative mileage when in performance of their duties.

V. The duties of the council shall include, reviewing and making recommendations regarding all aspects of the implementation of the system of care for healthy aging established under RSA 151-E:22-27. Such duties shall also include the availability of long term supports and services for individuals requiring hospital or nursing facility discharge, including but not be limited to:

(a) Reviewing and making recommendations that improve and shorten the timeline for accessing Medicaid long-term care benefits and remove barriers to hospital discharge for non-acute patients who require post hospital long-term supports and services.

(b) Gathering data on licensed long-term care beds in service versus licensed long-term care beds not in service and making recommendations for optimal utilization of limited long-term care bed licenses to increase access to long-term care. Licensed long-term care beds shall include beds at nursing, mid-level care, and residential care facilities as defined under RSA 151-E:2.

(c) Gathering data on access to Medicaid choices for independence waiver services post hospital discharge and making recommendations for optimal program utilization.

(d) Oversight of a presumptive eligibility revolving fund.

(e) Providing advice and guidance to the department of health and human services on ways to strengthen the direct care workforce to meet the growing demand for long-term services and supports in New Hampshire.

(f) Advising the commissioner of health and human services on any issue related to long-term services and supports availability for individuals requiring post hospital or nursing facility care services.

VI. The duties of the department of health and human services shall include, but not be limited to:

(a) Informing the advisory council, in a timely manner, of all activities related to the implementation of the system of care for healthy aging, any proposed legislation, and any proposed changes to administrative rules relating to access to long-term care.

(b) Including in each annual report required under RSA 151-E:27 data on licensed long-term care bed availability and use and the financial status of the presumptive eligibility revolving fund.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.