
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
SB148 Prohibiting those convicted of murder from financially profiting from the death of the victim. Civil Actions Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB270 Relative to allowing owners to gather items necessary for work from impounded vehicles. Motor Vehicles Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB139 Creating a private right of action in civil rights cases. Discrimination Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB260 Relative to access to abortion care. Public and Mental Health Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB262 Relative to the penalty for trafficking in persons under 18 years of age. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB290 Relative to the definition of "torture" in animal abuse cases. Animals Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB258 Relative to the crime of fraudulent retail transactions. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
CACR8 Relating to sheriffs. Providing that no person shall hold the office of county sheriff after he or she has attained the age of seventy-five years. CACR Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB264 Relative to the therapeutic cannabis program. Public and Mental Health Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB54 Relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB269 Removing references to matrimonial age and time waivers in the vital records act. State Government Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB261 Requiring that custodial interrogations be recorded, establishing a fund to make grants to state law enforcement agencies to purchase equipment to enable such recordings, and making an appropriation therefor. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB142 Establishing the department of children's services and juvenile justice. Children Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB263 Criminalizing and creating a private right of action for the facilitation, encouragement, offer, solicitation, or recommendation of certain acts or actions through a responsive generative communication to a child. Children Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB257 Establishing a committee to study state guidelines for Medicaid eligibility determinations. Welfare/Medicare/Medicaid Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB128 Relative to children's mental health services for persons 18 years of age and younger. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (S) Hearing
SB256 Relative to the affordability and safety of clinician administered drugs. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 02/12/2025 (S) Hearing
SB118 Relative to the personal needs allowance of residents of nursing homes. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB131 Relative to long-term care eligibility and making an appropriation therefor. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 02/12/2025 (S) Hearing
SB124 Relative to continuing care retirement communities. Insurance Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB288 Establishing an advisory council on long-term care within the department of health and human services. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB247 Prohibiting network exclusion for pharmacies that refuse to dispense a prescription of the PBM reimbursement that is below the pharmacy's acquisition cost. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB246 Providing maternal depression screening for new mothers, increasing access to health care services for new mothers, and relative to job protection within the employer-sponsored New Hampshire paid family and medical leave plan. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB250 Relative to pharmacist administration of long-acting injectable drugs. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB243 Relative to the child care scholarship program. Children Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE