
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
HB157 Establishing a study committee to examine ways to improve the usefulness of fiscal notes. State Government House - Legislative Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/13/2025 (H) Hearing
HB266 Relative to structural changes to the department of energy. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB275 Relative to health carrier credentialing requirements. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB590 Relative to cooperative school district school board elections. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB429 Relative to amending the term length for county commissioners. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB341 Requiring the secretary of state to check voter records prior to every election. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB297 Relative to providing self-funded employer health benefit plans access to their claims data. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB475 Relative to the reductions from the default budget for official ballot town meetings. Municipalities House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB374 Relative to clarifying references under local tax cap and budget laws. Taxes - Local House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB375 Allowing municipalities to designate sections of state and local highways for all terrain vehicles. Transportation and Highways House - Public Works and Highways HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/11/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB304 Relative to labeling requirements for food produced in homestead kitchens. Agriculture House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/11/2025 (H) Hearing
HB311 Relative to permissible campaign contributions by business organizations and labor unions. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB779 Allowing the sale of rabbit meat in intrastate commerce. Animals House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB307 Relative to the food production area for homestead food. Agriculture House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/11/2025 (H) Hearing
HB356 Enabling school districts to adopt partisan school district elections. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB752 Relative to procedures for the closing of a charter school. Education - General House - Education Policy and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB636 Relative to community mental health providers. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB123 Enabling municipalities to tax standing wood and timber on land used for carbon sequestration. Agriculture House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB308 Requiring the election checklist to have a column to annotate if a non-New Hampshire issued form of identification is provided to vote. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB621 Allowing the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB141 Relative to campaign disclosures for limited liability companies. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB220 Closing the presidential or state primary of political parties. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB345 Enabling selectmen to add additional polling places and requiring selectmen to give notice to voters 30 days before providing such additional polling places. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB168 Relative to including municipal public works facilities as eligible capital facilities for the assessment of impact fees. Municipalities House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB740 Requiring the department of education to maintain student records of chartered public school students. Education - General House - Education Policy and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/12/2025 (H) Hearing