
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
SB540 Requiring the department of energy to investigate behind the meter and utility scale energy storage. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/07/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1617 Relative to energy procurement agreements for default service. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/07/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1398 Relative to utility recovery of costs associated with net energy metering. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/07/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB509 Relative to the phasing out of the minimum electric renewable portfolio standard. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/07/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB580 Establishing a children's vision screening initiative within the state Medicaid program. Welfare/Medicare/Medicaid House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/09/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB608 Establishing a pilot program to support the bureau of developmental services redesign. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/09/2024 (H) Exec Session
SB495 Relative to certification of alcohol and other drug use treatment facilities. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/09/2024 (H) Exec Session
SB458 Relative to the dispensing of certain medications. Occupational Regulation House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/09/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1170 Requiring public benefit and community impact assessments from the department of environmental services. Environment - Administration House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/15/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1148 Relative to the fish and game commission. Fish & Game House - Fish and Game and Marine Resources HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/15/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1532 Relative to land owner rights and responsibility pertaining to game cameras and tree stands. Fish & Game House - Fish and Game and Marine Resources HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/15/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1488 Relative to hazard mitigation funding. Environment - Administration House - Public Works and Highways HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/15/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1645 Establishing a condominium dispute resolution board. Property - Real and Personal House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
SB332 Limiting re-disclosure of consumer reports requested in connection with a credit transaction involving an extension of credit secured by real estate. Banking and Finance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1673 Relative to average final compensation for certain group II members. Retirement House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1653 Relative to determination of earnable compensation for certain group II retirement system members. Retirement House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1444 Relative to local regulation of digital mining. Banking and Finance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1306 Relative to special assessments for capital improvements in condominiums. Property - Real and Personal House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1271 Relative to the conversion, combination, and reorganization of boards and advisory boards. Occupational Regulation House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1408 Relative to the merger of and reorganization of various occupational boards. Occupational Regulation House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1395 Relative to home heating oil and propane contracts. Energy and Utilities House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
SB235 Relative to services provided through a primary care behavioral health model. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB513 Relative to affordability and safety of clinician administered drugs. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1507 Relative to innovative financial services Banking and Finance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session
HB1225 Relative to prescription drug affordability board conflicts of interest. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: INTERIM STUDY 10/17/2024 (H) Exec Session