
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
HB620 Relative to the exercise of the freedom of religion. Civil Actions House - Judiciary HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB590 Relative to cooperative school district school board elections. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB628 Prohibiting landlords from discriminating against prospective tenants holding certain vouchers under the housing choice voucher program. Discrimination House - Housing HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB638 Allowing an older prisoner serving a sentence of life without parole to be eligible for parole upon meeting certain criteria. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB642 Allowing the sale of dehydrated meat without a homestead food license. Agriculture House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB615 Relative to drug forfeiture proceedings. Courts and Procedure House - Judiciary HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB71 Relative to cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 01/23/2025 (S) Hearing
HB618 Enables election officials to verify the single use of an out-of-state driver's license presented when a person votes by using the centralized voter registration database. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB631 Permitting residential building in commercial zoning by right. Zoning and Planning House - Housing HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB632 Permitting health care providers affiliated with the Veterans Administration to certify medical accommodations on behalf of veterans residing in New Hampshire. Public and Mental Health House - Transportation HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB640 Relative to the transparency of federal agency operations within New Hampshire. State Government House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SR2 RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State be requested to furnish the Senate with the official return of votes from the various Senatorial Districts. PASSED
SR3 RESOLVED, that the return of votes from the several Senatorial Districts be referred to a Select Committee of three with instructions to examine and count the same and report to the Senate where any vacancies or contest exists and if so, in what Senatorial District. PASSED
SR5 RESOLVED, that the Senate meet in Joint Convention with the House of Representatives for the purpose of electing the Secretary of State and the State Treasurer. PASSED
HB643 Expanding the number of Grafton County commissioners. Counties House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB621 Allowing the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB637 Relative to the reduction in the calculation of state retirement annuities at age 65 for certain group I retirement system members. Retirement House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB616 Relative to the confiscation of animals from persons suspected of or charged with abuse of animals. Animals House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB619 Making an appropriation to the solid waste management fund. Environment - Administration House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB635 Relative to taxing non-profit entities who settle illegal immigrants as for-profit entities. Business and Industry House - Ways and Means HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB627 Relative to permitting the public utilities commission to approve new providers for the Lifeline program. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB634 Relative to the New Hampshire council on autism spectrum disorders. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB636 Relative to community mental health providers. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB639 Relative to the use of and disputes over blockchain and digital currencies. Courts and Procedure House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB644 Relative to flying drones in state parks. State Government House - Resources, Recreation and Development HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE