
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
HB632 Permitting health care providers affiliated with the Veterans Administration to certify medical accommodations on behalf of veterans residing in New Hampshire. Public and Mental Health House - Transportation HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SR3 RESOLVED, that the return of votes from the several Senatorial Districts be referred to a Select Committee of three with instructions to examine and count the same and report to the Senate where any vacancies or contest exists and if so, in what Senatorial District. PASSED
HB627 Relative to permitting the public utilities commission to approve new providers for the Lifeline program. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: PASSED/ADOPTED
HB712 Limiting breast surgeries for minors. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB636 Relative to community mental health providers. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB621 Allowing the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB690 Directing the department of energy to investigate the state's withdrawal from ISO-New England and other strategy decisions that impact ratepayers in relation to New England's environmental policy. Energy and Utilities House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB263 Relative to applications to the cost of care fund for livestock care. Animals House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB643 Expanding the number of Grafton County commissioners. Counties House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB123 Enabling municipalities to tax standing wood and timber on land used for carbon sequestration. Agriculture House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB157 Establishing a study committee to examine ways to improve the usefulness of fiscal notes. State Government House - Legislative Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/13/2025 (H) Hearing
HB179 Relative to hazardous waste accident fees. Transportation and Highways House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/11/2025 (H) Exec Session
HB597 Establishing a designated behavioral health access point within the enhanced 911 system. State Government House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB67 Relative to workers' compensation and resolution of payment disputes. Workers' Comp and Unemployment Senate - Commerce SENATE: PASSED/ADOPTED
HB602 Requiring certain offenders to participate in a victim impact program. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB165 Relative to the maximum amount of disaster relief funding provided to municipalities after a natural disaster. Municipalities House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: REPORT FILED
SB138 Relative to record requests by health care providers. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
HB752 Relative to procedures for the closing of a charter school. Education - General House - Education Policy and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB779 Allowing the sale of rabbit meat in intrastate commerce. Animals House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB68 Adding a member to the governor's commission on disability. Elections Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: PASSED/ADOPTED
HB765 Consolidating school administrative units and making school superintendents jobs an elected position. Education - General House - Education Policy and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB633 Relative to housing investment trusts. Banking and Finance House - Judiciary HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/19/2025 (H) Hearing
SB118 Relative to the personal needs allowance of residents of nursing homes. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB154 Relative to authorized organizations issuing multi-use decal plates. Motor Vehicles Senate - Transportation SENATE: IN COMMITTEE 02/11/2025 (S) Hearing
HR7 Instructing the house of representatives to investigate whether grounds exist to impeach Judge David Ruoff. Courts and Procedure House - Judiciary HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 03/05/2025 (H) Hearing