HB1382 (2024) Detail

(New Title) granting witness fee reimbursement to unrepresented parents in the armed forces who prevail in special education hearings.




28Mar2024... 1129h







AN ACT granting witness fee reimbursement to unrepresented parents in the armed forces who prevail in special education hearings.


SPONSORS: Rep. Roy, Rock. 31; Rep. Moffett, Merr. 4; Rep. Rhodes, Ches. 17; Rep. Creighton, Hills. 30


COMMITTEE: Education






This bill authorizes witness fee reimbursement for a parent in the armed forces who represents themself at a special education hearing and prevails.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

28Mar2024... 1129h 24-2460





In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Four


AN ACT granting witness fee reimbursement to unrepresented parents in the armed forces who prevail in special education hearings.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


24:1  Special Education Hearing Officers.  Amend RSA 186-C:16-a to read as follows:

186-C:16-a Special Education Hearing Officers. Hearing officers appointed by the department of education to hear special education impartial due process appeals shall have the authority to compel the attendance of witnesses in accordance with RSA 516:1 including issuing subpoenas for parents who are representing themselves. Any costs incurred in issuing a subpoena shall be the responsibility of the party requesting the subpoena, unless otherwise determined by the hearing officer. The state board of education may adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A to implement the provisions of this section, including guidelines to be used for consideration by the hearing officers in determining the responsibility of costs of the subpoena. Nothing in this section shall prohibit any justice from issuing a subpoena for such hearing in accordance with RSA 516:3. Witness fees incurred by parents who are members of the armed forces shall, in due process hearings, be reimbursed by the department of education if the hearing officer finds in favor of the parent.

24:2  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.


Approved: May 20, 2024

Effective Date: July 19, 2024




Date Amendment
March 20, 2024 2024-1129h


Date Body Type
Jan. 25, 2024 House Hearing
Jan. 30, 2024 House Exec Session
Jan. 31, 2024 House Exec Session
Feb. 7, 2024 House Exec Session
Feb. 20, 2024 House Exec Session
March 6, 2024 House Exec Session
March 18, 2024 House Exec Session
March 18, 2024 House Floor Vote
April 9, 2024 Senate Hearing
April 18, 2024 Senate Floor Vote

Bill Text Revisions

HB1382 Revision: 42192 Date: May 21, 2024, 2:28 p.m.
HB1382 Revision: 41684 Date: April 24, 2024, 3:47 p.m.
HB1382 Revision: 41461 Date: April 24, 2024, 3:47 p.m.
HB1382 Revision: 41302 Date: March 20, 2024, 3:46 p.m.
HB1382 Revision: 39910 Date: Dec. 6, 2023, 1:42 p.m.
HB1382 Revision: 44517 Date: Dec. 4, 2023, 9:02 a.m.


May 21, 2024: Signed by Governor Sununu 05/20/2024; Chapter 24; eff:07/19/2024 HJ 13

May 9, 2024: Enrolled (in recess of) 05/02/2024 HJ 12 P. 94

May 8, 2024: Enrolled Adopted, VV, (In recess 05/02/2024); SJ 12

May 8, 2024: Enrolled Adopted, VV, (In recess 05/02/2024); SJ 12

May 8, 2024: Enrolled Adopted, VV, (In recess 05/02/2024); SJ 12

April 18, 2024: Ought to Pass: MA, VV; OT3rdg; 04/18/2024; SJ 10

April 10, 2024: Committee Report: Ought to Pass, 04/18/2024, Vote 3-0; SC 15

April 3, 2024: Hearing: 04/09/2024, Room 101, LOB, 09:20 am; SC 14

April 2, 2024: Introduced 03/21/2024 and Referred to Education; SJ 8

March 28, 2024: Ought to Pass with Amendment 2024-1129h: MA VV 03/28/2024 HJ 10 P. 19

March 28, 2024: Amendment # 2024-1129h (NT): AA VV 03/28/2024 HJ 10 P. 19

March 20, 2024: Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment # 2024-1129h (NT) 03/18/2024 (Vote 20-0; CC) HC 12 P. 11

March 7, 2024: Executive Session: 03/18/2024 10:00 am LOB 205-207

Feb. 22, 2024: ==RECESSED== Executive Session: 03/06/2024 09:30 am LOB 205-207

Feb. 15, 2024: Executive Session: 02/20/2024 09:15 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 31, 2024: Executive Session: 02/07/2024 09:30 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 25, 2024: ==CONTINUED== Executive Session: 01/31/2024 10:00 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 25, 2024: ==RECESSED== Executive Session: 01/30/2024 10:00 am LOB 205-207

Jan. 17, 2024: Public Hearing: 01/25/2024 02:00 pm LOB 205-207

Dec. 6, 2023: Introduced 01/03/2024 and referred to Education HJ 1