
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
SB543 Establishing the state environmental adaptation, resilience, and innovation council. Environment - Conservation House - Public Works and Highways VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB274 Relative to the administrative rulemaking process. Legislature Senate - Executive Departments and Administration VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB1415 Relative to PFAS facility liability. Environment - Administration Senate - Judiciary VETOED BY GOVERNOR
SB318 (New Title) converting the manufactured housing installations standards board and the board of examiners of nursing home administrators into advisory boards, and creating a new advisory board named the advisory board of massage therapists, reflexologists, structural integrators, and Asian bodywork therapists. State Government House - Executive Departments and Administration VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB1581 Relative to cultivation locations for alternative treatment centers. Agriculture Senate - Health and Human Services VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB1622 Relative to administrative rulemaking and license renewals by the office of professional licensure and certification. State Government Senate - Executive Departments and Administration VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB1293 (New Title) relative to the use of certain fertilizers on turf. Agriculture Senate - Energy and Natural Resources VETOED BY GOVERNOR
SB507 Extending the time to petition for a new trial in certain cases. Courts and Procedure House - Judiciary VETOED BY GOVERNOR
HB1697 (New Title) relative to forest carbon credit programs. Agriculture Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB544 Replacing the deer seal system with a confirmation number system. Fish & Game House - Fish and Game and Marine Resources SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1499 (New Title) establishing a committee to study the civilian clean energy, community resilience, and conservation corps, and establishing a committee to study the child protection act. Environment - Conservation Senate - Energy and Natural Resources SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1302 Relative to elected conservation commissions in towns. Municipalities Senate - Election Law and Municipal Affairs SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB489 Relative to election audits. Elections House - Election Law SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB549 Relative to procedures for inspection and transfer of dams and establishing a committee to study alternatives for the funding, operation, maintenance, and repair of state-owned dams. Waters and Navigation House - Resources, Recreation and Development SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1259 Relative to property and casualty insurance laws administered by the insurance department. Insurance Senate - Commerce SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB515 Relative to consumer guarantee contracts. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1043 (New Title) relative to the capital appropriations for the legislative parking garage design and police standards and training council facility improvements. Agency Appropriations Senate - Capital Budget SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1282 Relative to the duration of child support. Domestic Relations Senate - Finance SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB357 Relative to expanding the definition of providers who can certify patients of the therapeutic cannabis program. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
HB1243 (New Title) revising the laws relative to retail installment sales of motor vehicles, and relative to the sale of a vehicle to a Massachusetts resident. Banking and Finance Senate - Commerce SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB420 Relative to requiring an additional report from the legislative study committee concerning the long-term impact of the New Hampshire adult parole system. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB437 Relative to local authority to amend the state building code. State Government House - Executive Departments and Administration SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB426 (New Title) relative to the transportation of marijuana in a motor vehicle or OHRV. Motor Vehicles House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB177 (New Title) relative to health insurance coverage of prosthetics for children under 19 years of age. Insurance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
SB472 (New Title) relative to historic horse racing licensing, establishing operations of games of chance for the benefit of the host community, and relative to charitable gaming dates for municipalities and charitable organizations. Gambling House - Ways and Means SIGNED BY GOVERNOR