6Feb2025... 0105h
SPONSORS: Rep. D. Thomas, Rock. 16; Rep. McGhee, Hills. 35; Rep. Vose, Rock. 5; Rep. Notter, Hills. 12; Rep. Ammon, Hills. 42; Rep. Freeman, Belk. 8; Sen. Avard, Dist 12; Sen. Lang, Dist 2
COMMITTEE: Science, Technology and Energy
This bill defines "clean energy" to mean small-scale nuclear energy and renewable energy, and makes it part of the department of energy's 10-year state energy strategy.
This bill also removes reference to the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
6Feb2025... 0105h 25-0184
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Five
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Section; Statutory Construction; Clean Energy. Amend RSA 21 by inserting after section 54 the following new section:
21:55 Clean Energy. "Clean energy" means low-greenhouse gas emitting sources, including nuclear and other renewable sources.
2 Department of Energy; State Energy Strategy. Amend RSA 12-P:7-a, I(c) to read as follows:
(c) [Renewable energy] Clean energy and fuel diversity.
3 Department of Energy; State Energy Strategy. Amend RSA 12-P:7-a, III to read as follows:
III. The strategy development process shall include review and consideration of relevant studies and plans, including but not limited to those developed by the independent system operator of New England (ISO-NE), the public utilities commission, [the energy efficiency and sustainable energy board,] legislative study committees and commissions, and other state and regional organizations as appropriate. The strategy shall also include consideration of new technologies and their potential impact on the state's energy future.
4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
Date | Amendment |
Jan. 29, 2025 | 2025-0105h |
Feb. 4, 2025 | 2025-0246h |
Date | Body | Type |
Jan. 27, 2025 | House | Hearing |
Jan. 28, 2025 | House | Exec Session |
Jan. 28, 2025 | House | Floor Vote |
Feb. 6, 2025: Ought to Pass with Amendment 2025-0105h: MA RC 206-148 02/06/2025 HJ 4
Feb. 6, 2025: FLAM # 2025-0246h (Reps. McGhee, Cormen): AF RC 150-204 02/06/2025 HJ 4
Feb. 6, 2025: Amendment # 2025-0105h: AA VV 02/06/2025 HJ 4
Jan. 30, 2025: Minority Committee Report: Inexpedient to Legislate
Jan. 30, 2025: Majority Committee Report: Ought to Pass with Amendment # 2025-0105h 01/28/2025 (Vote 11-7; RC) HC 10 P. 12
Jan. 23, 2025: Executive Session: 01/28/2025 09:00 am LOB 302-304
Jan. 23, 2025: Public Hearing: 01/27/2025 09:00 am LOB 302-304
Jan. 7, 2025: Introduced 01/08/2025 and referred to Science, Technology and Energy HJ 2 P. 9