
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
HB408 Moving the date of the state primary to the fourth Tuesday in August. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB409 Relative to fee structures for election recounts. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB410 Relative to adding conditions to zoning boards of adjustment imposing restrictions on the building and development of residential properties. Zoning and Planning House - Housing HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/18/2025 (H) Hearing
HB412 Relative to elections and appointments to fill vacancies of local cooperative school boards. Education - General House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB413 Relative to subdivision regulations on the completion of improvements and the regulation of building permits. Zoning and Planning House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB424 Directing the department of agriculture, markets, and food to create forms for businesses to request information about service animals and establishing a committee to study the protection of business owners from requests to accommodate customers with fraudulent or untrained service animals. Animals House - Environment and Agriculture HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB427 Relative to amending the uniform commercial code. Banking and Finance House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB429 Relative to amending the term length for county commissioners. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB431 Establishing a commission to review draft rules related to minimum standards for public school approval and state academic standards developed by the department of education. Education - General House - Education Policy and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/10/2025 (H) Hearing
HB435 Relative to the definition of professional engineer. Occupational Regulation House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB448 Establishing a committee to study violations found by the April 25, 2023 ballot law commission. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: REPORT FILED
HB449 Requiring water districts to provide a water filtration system to residential customers in certain cases. Environment - Administration House - Resources, Recreation and Development HOUSE: REPORT FILED
HB450 Relative to commercial property assessed clean energy and resiliency (C-PACER) State Government House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB452 Relative to the issuance of drivers' licenses for aliens temporarily residing in New Hampshire. Motor Vehicles House - Transportation HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB455 Relative to reports by the department of health and human services regarding Medicaid enhancement for children and pregnant women. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB457 Relative to zoning restrictions on dwelling units. Zoning and Planning House - Housing HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/18/2025 (H) Hearing
HB463 Relative to the composition of the board of recount in elections for the select board and for the school board. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB465 Relative to the housing opportunity zone program. Municipalities House - Housing HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/18/2025 (H) Hearing
HB466 Relative to refusal of consent to testing to determine alcohol concentration and penalties for aggravated driving while intoxicated. Crimes, Crim.Proc. & Corr. House - Criminal Justice and Public Safety HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB467 Defining "social districts" and enabling municipalities to create social districts. Liquor and Beer House - Commerce and Consumer Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB470 Relative to the use of general anesthesia, deep sedation, and moderate sedation in dental treatment. Occupational Regulation House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB471 Establishing a commission to study issues related to growth, traffic, and planning and land use for certain towns. Municipalities House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB472 Requiring voters to prove domicile. Elections House - Election Law HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB475 Relative to the reductions from the default budget for official ballot town meetings. Municipalities House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB477 Establishing a commission to study safety and security procedures in the New Hampshire state house. Legislature House - Legislative Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE 02/13/2025 (H) Hearing