
Resources for reviewers.
Bill Subject Committee Status Action Score
SB276 Relative to raising the research and development tax credit. Taxes - State Senate - Ways and Means SENATE: CONSENT CALENDAR REPORT FILED
HB544 Relative to an optional local public safety assessment on certain room occupancies. Taxes - Local House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB374 Relative to clarifying references under local tax cap and budget laws. Taxes - Local House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB495 Requiring cities and towns to provide a breakdown of tax changes and information on bills sent to residents. Taxes - Local House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB613 Relative to enabling local political subdivisions to vote and set a reduced default budget option. Taxes - Local House - Municipal and County Government HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB585 Relative to the property tax exemption for religious organizations. Taxes - Local House - Ways and Means HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB56 Relative to consolidating the New Hampshire health and education facilities authority within the business finance authority. State Government Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: CONSENT CALENDAR REPORT FILED
HB546 Relative to financial disclosures to legislative ethics committee. State Government House - Legislative Administration HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB621 Allowing the birth mother to opt out of sharing certain information from the birth worksheet with state agencies. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB269 Removing references to matrimonial age and time waivers in the vital records act. State Government Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB193 Requiring the head of each state agency to submit a strategic plan for program activities. State Government Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: REPORT FILED
HB663 Allowing the division of historic resources to expend moose plate funds to administer and fund grants. State Government House - Resources, Recreation and Development HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB450 Relative to commercial property assessed clean energy and resiliency (C-PACER) State Government House - Science, Technology and Energy HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HR16 Recognizing the essential contributions of frontline health workers in assisting the state to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and urging greater attention and support for local frontline health workers. State Government House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HCR3 Applying for a convention of the states under Article V of the Constitution of the United States. State Government House - State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB519 Making an appropriation to the department of health and human services to fund and support the Waypoint youth and young adult shelter. State Government House - Finance HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB242 Relative to the cost of living adjustments for certain group II retirees in the New Hampshire retirement system. Retirement Senate - Finance SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
HB727 Relative to the New Hampshire retirement system. Retirement House - Executive Departments and Administration HOUSE: RETAINED IN COMMITTEE
SB138 Relative to record requests by health care providers. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
HB704 Relative to caregiver respite and senior volunteer programs and making an appropriation therefor. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
HB712 Limiting breast surgeries for minors. Public and Mental Health House - Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs HOUSE: IN COMMITTEE
SB92 Relative to the collection of birth worksheet information. Public and Mental Health Senate - Executive Departments and Administration SENATE: CONSENT CALENDAR REPORT FILED
SB260 Relative to access to abortion care. Public and Mental Health Senate - Judiciary SENATE: IN COMMITTEE
SB131 Relative to long-term care eligibility and making an appropriation therefor. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: CONSENT CALENDAR REPORT FILED
SB248 Establishing a committee to study palliative and hospice care in New Hampshire. Public and Mental Health Senate - Health and Human Services SENATE: IN COMMITTEE